3 Rounds: Individual……..2 Partner (Runs must be together & only one partner works at a Time)
Cleary Run
20 WBS……..60
15 KBS………50
5 Jump Squats Run To Top of Alley
5 Jump Squats Run Back To Lab
5 Jump Squats
10 Air Squats……40
10 Slam Balls……30
5 Burpees………..20 Box Jumps
70th Run and Repeat
Gun Range Drive Way and Repeat

Partner Wod Buy Out 20 Burpees Alternating -10 per person-

Advanced Partner Wod at 10:30ish – To Participate you must be able to Complete Atleast 1 Rep of:
Unassisted Pull Ups
A-KBS (32/24)
Box Jump (24)