Front Rack Pause Squats 5×5 – 3sec hold

4 Rounds
5 DB Power Cleans
5 DB Squats (front rack)
5 DB Push Press
5 DB Hang Clean & Jerk
20 DU: sub 80 singles
Sand Bag I-Run

Buy Out 4 Man Makers
(Push up row-push up row-push up cluster = 1 man maker)

No RX Wt.

No squats are required in any of these movements except for the one that says Squats

A power clean is from the ground, even with DB’s
(FYI: power does not mean from the ground. it means receive the wt. in a position that is not a full squat)
(FYI: always start from the ground unless it says hang)

If you can’t run with a sand bag don’t carry a sand bag

Re: DB’s, The stronger men should think 40-55# women 30-45#

Time Domain 15 to 25min approx.