2 partner Wod
2000m Row – alt every 500m
100 KBS (24/16) – partner holds a KB squat
75 Dead Lifts – 185
50 DBall Passes
25 Burpee over partner
400m Run
12 Pull Ups each
200m Run
6 C2B each
100m Run
2 partner Wod
2000m Row – alt every 500m
100 KBS (24/16) – partner holds a KB squat
75 Dead Lifts – 185
50 DBall Passes
25 Burpee over partner
400m Run
12 Pull Ups each
200m Run
6 C2B each
100m Run
Check our weekly class schedule. We offer many classes each day to make it convenient and easy to find a time that works for you!