Camargo Training 2pm

12min AMRAP
Rep Scheme: 1-1-1, 2-2-2, 3-3-3, 4-4-4…..cont. this pattern until time ends
Thruster (155/118) (135/103)
C2B Pull Up – Strict or Kip no butterfly
Bar Facing Burpee
Score: the above + 3 C2B = 4+8 (4 completed rounds + 5 thrusters and 3 C2B)

Rest 5 min.

EMOM 8min
Power Snatch – Choose a wt. B/T 70-85% 1Rm Snatch
Score: wt. Used

Rest 5 min.

4 Rounds (approx time to complete should b about 4min give or take)
I-Jog in between the sprints
Continuous run no walking
Start at grate outside door 2 time ends on 4th sprint once blue line is crossed coming in door 2.