Fri. 7/24/15

There will be no open gym Sunday – OHS 5×3 build to heavy – focus on depth. Hip crease below knee crease 3sec. Hold on 1st rep 2sec hold on 2nd rep 1 sec. Hold on 3rd rep – Buy In: 100 DU 5 rounds 6 Deadlifts (225/168) 9 T2B 12 HRPU

Th. 7/23/15

Arnold KB/DB SP 4×12 T-A-T-A – Buy In: Perimeter Run 4 Rounds 10 STO (135/103) 15 KBS (32/24) 20 Cal Row Buy Out Tri. Turn.

Wed. 7/22/15

Dips 5×5 1xME to 20 – record ME – Rev. Grip BB Row 4×10 – 10! Front Squats (155/118) Burpees over the bar