Mon 6/15/15

Jump Rope Practice 5to10 minutes – 20min Amrap 3 Squat Cleans (165/123) 6 T2B 12 WBS (20/14) – 1000m Row For Time

Fri. 6/12/15

BB Bench 5×5 – Then 1×20 @ 50% to 60% of heavy 5 Post loads – BB Row 4×10 – 9-15-21-15-9 KB Swing (32/24) Box Jump (24/20)

Th. 6/11/15

10! Power Snactch (115/88) 15 DU (Sub: 100m) 10 Singles 5 C2B Pull Ups

Wed. 6/10/15

DL 5/5 – DL 1xME TO 20 @ 50% of Heaviest 5 – 5 Rounds 500m Row 400m Run