Weds. 4/3/19

Wed. 4/3/19 Chipper For Time – 100 Dubs 50 Air Squats to WB Tri. Run 80 Dubs 40 R-KBS @ 32/24 200m Row 60 Dubs 30 SDHP”” Tri. Run 40 Dubs 20 Thrusters @ 135/103 200m Row 20 Dubs 10 Clean & Jerk @ 155/123 Tri. Run
Tues. 4/2/19
Tues. 4/2/19 For Time – 5k Run – Run would either be to Lyons Rd. or 9 Perimeter Runs. Or Interval Runs – Patriot Run every 4min for 16min – 5 runs total. Rest 3mins 1000m Row Rest 3mins 1000m Row
Fri. 3/29/19
IXF Crossfit in Indianapolis, Indiana is hosting a special WOD for Becky tomorrow. We will be joining them in support of Becky. Updates and details below: #repost @faithrxd – We serve a God of miracles! Becky’s eyes are open again and the breathing tube has just been pulled. She’s breathing fine on her own!!! […]
Thurs. 3/28/19
Thurs. 3/28/19 Heavy Clean Day (Power/Squat) Every :90sec for 12mins 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 *Start w/Power Cleans and Build to Heavy Single Squat Clean. Rest 5mins, Then 12min AMRAP – 10 DB Snatches L-Arm @ 55/40 15 WBS @ 20/14 10 DB Snatches R-Arm @ ” “ Tri. Run *Do Not Drop DB from Above Waist!!