Wed. 9/16/15

10min. Stretch & Mobility Work – Deadlifts 5×5 – 12min. Amrap 1 Squat Clean & Jerk (155/118) 4 Hang Power Clean (155/118) 8 Deadlift (155/118) 12 WBS (20/14)

Tues. 9/15/15

SP 5×3 1xME to 20 @ 50-60% – Buy In: 50 DU 4 Rounds @ (115/88) 10 SDHP 5 Box Jump Overs 20″ 10 Front Squats 5 BJO 10 Push Press 5 BJO 500m Row Buy Out: 50 DU

Mon. 9/14/15

10min. Stretch &mobility – Back Squat 5×3 1xME TO 20 @ 60% – Pull Ups 4×5 Strict Dead Hang – 4 Rounds 25 kbs (24/20) 20 Pull Ups 15 Goblet Squats (24/20) Tri. Turn

Fri. 9/11/15

Memorial Week Finale 911 Memorial Wod: ‘343’