Mon. 3/9/15

Bb Bench 10×2 – post load – Thrusters 7×3 – post load – DB Row 5×5 – 2000m Row – for time

Th. 3/5/15

4 sec. Pause Front Squat 5 reps @ 65%-70-75-70% 1Rm – OHS 1×20@empty bar Depth should be Hip crease below knee crease. Old school standard!!! – Ring Dips 4×5 – 5-10-15-20-30-20-10-5 WBS Lateral Jumps Butterfly Sit Ups

Wed. 3/4/15

Strict Dead Hang Pull Ups 5×5 – HSPU 5×5 – 3 Rounds (24/20) 10 KB Sn. – 5 per side 15 DU – Sub 5 Burpees and 30 singles 20 KBS 15 DU 10 KB Sn. 200m Row Buy Out – 30 Singles