Fri. 7/10/20

R.E.D. Fridays Wod 07/10/20 Hero Wod – Tommy Mac For Time – 2 Rounds 12 Burpees12 Thrusters @ 115/7512 Burpees12 Power Snatches @ ” “12 Burpees12 Push Jerks @ ” “12 Burpees12 Hang Squat Cleans @ ” “12 Burpees12 OHS @ ” “ Dedicated to Sgt. Thomas R. MacPherson, 26, who was killed in action […]

Thurs. 7/9/20

Thurs. 7/9/20 Front Squats – 108642*Tri. Run Between each Set. Wod – 18min. AMRAP 5 Push Press @ 135/1035 Front Squats @ “ “15 T2B20 Dubs30 Singles

Wed. 7/8/20

Wed. 7/8/20 PVC/Barbell Warm Up x 35 Good Mornings5 Back Squats5 Elbow Rotations5 Push Press5 Overhead Squats5 Straight Leg DeadliftsTri. Run Wod – For Time 4 Rounds Patriot Run5 Burpees10 Push Ups15 Prisoner Jump Squats20 Sit Ups25 KBS @ 24/20

Tues. 7/7/20

Tues. 7/7/20 Clean Complex – Build to Heavy Set1 Power Clean1 Hang Power Clean1 Squat Clean1 Front Squat Wod – For Time 21-18-15-12-9Hang Power Cleans @ 95/73WBS @ 20/14Cal. Row Buy Out – Tri. Run