Wed. 3/4/20

Wed. 3/4/20 Wod – For Time 1500m Row 100 Dubs Perimeter + Patriot + Tri. Run 100 Dubs 1500m Row *Dub Sub – 150 Singles

Tues. 3/3/20

Tues. 3/3/20 Clean & Jerk Complex – Every 2mins x 5 Sets 3-Position Power Cleans 3 PushJerks Wod – 7min. AMRAP Ascending Ladder – 3-6-9-12- etc. until Time expires. Clean & Jerks 135/95 T2B

Mon. 3/2/20

Mon. 3/2/20 Back Squats – 5 Sets x 5 Reps Wod – For Time 5 Rounds 20 WBS @ 20/14 20 Alt. DB Snatches @ 50/35 Patriot Run *1min Rest Between Rounds

Fri. 2/28/20

R.E.D. Friday 2/28/20 Hero Wod – Kalsu For Time – (40min Cap) 100 Thrusters @ 135/95 5 Burpees Every Min. *Start with 5 burpees. Then complete as many thrusters as possible until the minute is up. At the top of the minute (1:00) complete another 5 burpees. Repeat each minute until 100 total thrusters are […]